Friday, February 16, 2007

Nevermind the Bollocks

Our IT department has been working around the clock helping complete the transition to Blogger Beta. At this point, we're retroactively assigning labels to every previous post, a downright Sisyphusian effort, but one that I'm pretty passionate about because I think it will enhance your reading experience. I've gotten through about four months of posts today, so there's quite a bit more work left to do.

Just a heads-up, as I'm going through previous posts, I'm fixing any broken image tags and republishing, which I just found out causes old posts to jump to the top of RSS feeds because of the Blogger switchover. There's nothing I can do about this, so just grin and bear it if an old post pops up.

Finally, I've put in a Label browser at the top. It also was quite a bit of labor, but it's a fun way to scroll through the archives of the House Rock Built as sorted by category. When I've made it through labeling all the posts, I think it will be pretty cool. It's a lot more sightly than the Google Ad that prevoiusly was housed underneath the banner.

Oh, and there's a picture of Alec Baldwin in this post so I could use this Label.

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