MSU Radio Host Melts Fucking Down On the Air
Hello, everyone. The week leading up to the Notre Dame-Michigan State game is always a special one here at the House Rock Built, because we get a nice little spike in traffic from everyone who wants to re-live this majesty. Enjoy, it's great. I'm going to listen to it again right now. Hey, though, while you're here, why don't you check out what we've been up to recently -- we've been making a college-football themed YouTube series featuring insane puppets called Stuffing the Passer. Okay, on to the goodness! -fightinamish
There are normal wins. You jump up and down a little bit, high five your buddies, and do a few celebratory shots. There are epic, legendary wins, where you sprint around campus in East Lansing yelling and screaming, hugging and humping every stranger you pass wearing a Notre Dame jersey. There are normal losses, where you crack open your poison of choice and drink away your sorrows.
And then, there are soul-crushing, ball-busting agonizingly excruciating losses that plunge you through the looking glass into a deep, dark spot in your sportsfan soul that is frightening to even think about. Trust me, I've been there before. This week, Sparty was on the receiving end of one of these, and the results... were not so pretty.
Enter a sports radio program on AM 1270 in Michigan called The Sports Inferno, which featured, live on the air, the most heinous, depraved descent into that mirky blackness captured by our modern recording equipment. For fifteen glorious minutes, our valiant host slides down that spiral slide into the abysmal nothingness of grief and hatred for all the world to hear. Frightening? Yes. A guilty pleasure knowing you pushed him to that depravity? Don't tell anyone, but yes.
Anyway, have a listen. I can't build it up anymore, because the full clip is so priceless and unique that you absolutely absolutely must listen to it and experience it for yourself. It's... amazing. Crazy amazing. Cramazing. Holy hell, stop reading this and just listen to it. In one of his more lucid moments, he demands the coaching staff be replaced by Teddy Ruxpin and HR Pufnstuf. Then, he starts saying some really weird shit.
Labels: Can't We All Just Get Along?, Did He Just Make a Reference To That Crappy TV Show, Hooray for Prodcasts, House Rock Built Neologisms, Human Beings Turning Into Bugs
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