Here's a Fun Contest for the Dead Period Between Now and Spring Practice...
Bowl season is over, awards season is over, and recruiting season is more or less winding down, so us diehards are stuck with a few months of disoriented nothingness while we wait for spring practice. Understanding how desperate you are for something to do after you've devoted the last four months of your life to college football, the House Rock Built is hosting a contest that should keep those idle hands busy.
Okay, readers. Here's what you do. Go out to a pet store, a breeder, or the local pound and buy yourself a Jack Russell Terrier. Next, spend the next two months working with your new pooch around the clock, training him (or her... or neither, if you did the responsible thing and threw down $75 to have it fixed) to bark in exact synchronization with the "woofs" on the Baha Men's 2000 classic hit "Who Let the Dogs Out?"
Now, go to the absolure worst part of town in the city you live in and find the dirtiest and most dangerous bar that has karaoke. Take your pooch in there and rock the house while a companion videotapes the entire ordeal.
The first reader to provide a link to a YouTube video of this, pending authentication by an independent judging firm, will receive a free copy of "The University of Notre Dame: Fighting Irish Collector's Edition DVD Set ". Ready? The contest begins..... now!

Labels: Audience Participation, Not College Football At All, We're Getting Wasted Tonight
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